Greylock Society Reception

group of people at greylock society reception in 2023

Join us for a celebration of you, our philanthropic partners,
featuring an exclusive announcement of the 2023 Community Impact grant recipients and
the presentation of the Ruth P. and Nicholas Boraski Leaders in Philanthropy Award.

📷 Above, last year's Philanthropy Award recipients Susan and David Lombard (front row second and third from right) with family and friends


2023 Ruth P. and Nicholas Boraski Leaders in Philanthropy Award recipients

Larry and Rosemary Harnett


This award honors an individual, couple, or group who have demonstrated through personal example and financial commitment their dedication to improving the quality of life for everyone in our community, regardless of their means.


For more information or registration assistance, contact Gretchen Weber at or 413-442-6948 x12


You can join the Greylock Society through your contribution to Berkshire United Way. Learn more here